VSP EasyOptions, the first and only benefits customization feature in the industry, makes customized vision care a breeze. You choose a full-coverage plan for one fixed price. And your employees, and their families, each have the flexibility to choose a covered upgrade after they get a prescription from their VSP network doctor.
You choose the package.
We'll help with insights
into what your
employees want most.
After enrollment, your
employees and
their dependents visit
their VSP network doctor.
Their doctor will help
choose the right
covered upgrade
to maximize savings.
are confident you're offering the most
personalized benefit to help you
attract and retain the best talent.
get the most personalized plan with
great savings when they choose the
upgrade that gives them the most value.
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Get in touch to find out if VSP EasyOptions is right for you.
800.216.6248, option 4